Higher Ed. Program Development
Critical Thinking Metrics
Incumbent and New Hire Training
Sales Force Training in STEM Theory
High Impact Educational Practice
Training and Workshops
Innovation and Reform in STEM
Barrier Analysis
Undergraduate Research Programs
Organizational Self-Studies
Grant Development, Evaluation
and Assessment Tools

"I would like to recommend Jim Hewlett because he
displays a willingness to listen, teach and guide others through the world of BioManufacturing education. Jim has been a great mentor to myself and our Biomanufacturing program and without his selfless contributions we would not have been able to progress this far in such a short period of time. Jim's contributions to the regional Biomanufacturing Center have helped many students move into the business world ready for the challenges of tomorrow."
Dave Kuchta QC/QA Lead at United Biochemicals Inc.

"​Jim’s expertise is highly regarded by many. When applying for an NSF-ATE grant, the grant program officer suggested Jim as an outside consultant. Since then, Jim continues to play an instrumental role in Massasoit’s undergraduate research program. His passion and national contacts have helped us reassess and continually evaluate our progress. I look forward to my continued collaboration with Jim and recommend him highly for his leadership."
Dr. Gilles Bolduc, Dir. of Biotechnology, Massasoit Community College